Esp8266 arduino i2c example
Esp8266 arduino i2c example


LM 75 Communication function read_temp() i2c.

esp8266 arduino i2c example

Here I explain the manage of multiple rotary encoder. This IC can control (until 8) digital devices like button or led with 2 only pins.


Rememer, using functions in you code will give you not only the advantage of high readability, a modular and structural programming, easy debugging, etc, but also, if functions are designed properly, can help you to avoid a potential pitfall as the one above.Ĭorrected code: address = 0x48 - LM75 I2C Address Library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with arduino, esp8266 and esp32. How can be done that in a easy way? Simple. Just use the Rule number one: keep sensitive things like communication/timing and stuff at “atomic” level! Reading carefully the Datasheets can help you to quickly identify the “atomic granulation”. If you fall in such a trap, you can end up to spin around in circles for weeks. Might look silly and trivial, but imagine a way more complex code, all working OK, adding some extra modules, start debugging for them and suddenly starting having problems with previous tested modules, some nice working ones! What is telling us the last picture? The TIMING now is totally wrong !!īecause of the way that the code is sended to the interpreter and the way that is run, line by line!!Īnd please remember, these nasty things might happen in some conditions, even in case of a compiled code, not interpreted, when the code is in a step-by-step debugger mode run! This I2C LCD is a sixteen by two device which means it can display 16 columns by two. But this tutorial is also compatible with ESP8266 NodMCU. In this tutorial, I’m going to look at hooking up the I2C LCD to the ESP32 board.


This is the tenth tutorial in a series of ESP32 tutorials.


LM 75 – I2C Communication – Run from console – 500ms I2C Scanner - esp8266 learning Code I2C Scanner This is a basic example which will display via the serial monitor the address of any devices connected to your Wemos. I2C LCD interfacing with ESP32 and ESP8266 in Arduino IDE. LM 75 – I2C Communication – Run from console – 500usĬonfused? Let’s increase the time base to 500ms and let’s see what we can found about: ESP32 I2C Tutorial Change Pins, I2C Scanner, Multi Devices (Arduino). Let’s take a look on the Osciloscope also for this Run, using the same timebase, 500us : This video is for the tutorial using BMP280 with NodeMCU and Blynk Apps. Now, let’s see what’s happening when running the same code from the console (just select the code and press “Execute Selection” button. So, as you can see above, all OK and confirmed also by decoding the I2C communication on the Oscilloscope. I2c.address(bus, address, i2c.TRANSMITTER) Temp_reg = 0 - temp reg bus = 0 - I2C bus sda, scl = 2, 1 - Used pins for SDA and SCL For more details about the code take a look at the LM75 Temperature sensor Article. I have choosen a LM75 I2C temperature sensor for our example, as been widely used and also people heavily complained about communication problems with. Let’s take a very simple example code and with the help of a Oscilloscope let’s see what’s happening exactly. I found out that many of the related problems are generated from a easy to fall in trap, generated by the way how code is executed in case of a step-by-step debug run or using a interpreter console, as in our above NodeMCU LUA case. The objective of this ESP8266 Arduino tutorial is to get familiar with embedded programming with Arduino on a chip thats become super popular among the.

esp8266 arduino i2c example

I have checked the wiring between the devices and all looks OK using the pins mentioned in the comments for each sketch and there is a common GND connection between them.Many people are complaining about I2C communications problems, mostly related with the NodeMCU LUA. The scanner reports that no I2C devices are found Wire.begin(0, 2) on ESP-01, else they default to pins 4(SDA) and. Before using I2C, pins for SDA and SCL need to be set by calling Wire.begin(int sda, int scl), i.e. Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n") Sun 3:55 pm 21107 I use your link with Arduino 1.6.5 I see i2c section - 'I2C (Wire library) Wire library currently supports master mode up to approximately 450KHz. Serial.print("Unknow error at address 0x") It is used to communicate with I2C enabled devices such as LCD, OLED displays, EEPROM, RTC, magnetometer, accelerometer, etc. Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x") NodeMCU based ESP8266 has an I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) feature.

esp8266 arduino i2c example

When my sketches to transfer data did not work I created 2 simple sketches as followsĮSP8266 I2C scanner // Wire Scanner ESP8266įor (address = 1 address < 127 address++) I am looking at using I2C to transfer data between an ESP32 as the master and an ESP8266 as the slave.

Esp8266 arduino i2c example